How can we Prevent our city ‘KHANNA’ from Pollution?

(Go Green)
Pollution is making ‘Khanna’ so polluted. There are many kinds of pollution which are occurring in Khanna like air pollution, noise pollution, land pollution and water pollution. It causes many problems as people are suffering from skin problems, breathing problems etc. People should use bicycle if they are going to nearby places they should use public transport. Factories should be established in the outer areas of the city so that the smoke does not enter the residential areas. There should be a proper place to throw garbage which can be composed into soil. Some of the things should go for recycling. People should keep their streets clean. There should be more and more bins in the city and people should plant more and more trees for clean air. There should be gardens and parks in the city for the local people. If we go to a very clean city, we feel so good. we should perform this process in our city too. All should follow the innovativecleanliness missionlaunched by our Prime Minister, Mr.Narinder Modi ‘Swachh Bharat’. If peoplefollow this they can live a very good life. Then we will have clean hospitals, schools, malls etc. The cars that emit smoke should be stopped. My suggestion is that if we follow these things we will lead a very ‘GOOD LIFE’.

Jasmeet Kaur Chahal