An Inter House Declamation Contest was conducted on 28th April, 2018 for Grades VII-XII.
The Competition was divided into three categories
Category I – Grades VII –IX
Category II- Grade X
Category III- Grade XI-XII
The students declaimed the speeches of stalwarts like Jawaharlal Nehru, Donovan Livingston and Martin Luther King, exhibiting their knack of oration .They did complete justice to these historic speeches leaving the audience spellbound.
It was indeed an opportunity to witness some great speeches ever made in the history of mankind.
Mr.DS Bains, Chairman Delhi Public School Khanna , judged the competition and lauded the efforts of all the participants mentioning that it was a neck to neck struggle of dexterous articulation between the participants.
DPS holds Inter House Cricket and Basketball Matches
Inter House Basketball and Cricket Matches were organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Delhi Public School Khanna in the school premises.
The matches were organized to promote the spirit of sportsmanship and to hone the basketball and cricket skills among the students.
Panthers House showed its supremacy and took the lead in the
1. Basketball match of the boys (Grades VI-VIII)
2. Basketball match of the girls (Grades IX-XII)
3. Cricket match of the boys(Grades IX-XII)
Tuskers House managed to clinch the first position in the Basketball Match of boys(Grades IX-XII).
Sukhmanpreet Singh of Grade VIII A being declared as the best player in the basketball matches .
Mnaudayveer Singh of Grade XI was declared as the Man of the Match in the cricket tournament.
Educational activities at DPS Khanna aims at the amalgamation of both education and fun.
Keeping this objective in mind-Chit game activity on Nouns was conducted for the students of Grade I which acted as an effective tool in explaining them the concept.
In a bid to stay close to nature, students of Grade 2 recycled the pet plastic bottles adding soil and water to them trying to make a vertical hanging garden.
Green Colour Day
Green is the colour of nature, growth and health. It is the most common colour on the earth.
The student of Pre-Primary Wing of DPS Khanna celebrated ‘Green Colour’ day on 23rd April. The students were dressed up in various shades of green. The students enjoyed different games and activities like sorting the green colour vegetables, frog race and caterpillar walk etc.
It was a day full of fun and enthusiasm.

Keeping close to Nature’s heart- Earth Day Assembly at DPS Khanna
To mark the Earth Day and to emphasize upon the need to save trees, the Faculty of Science took it upon themselves to organize a special assembly highlighting the efforts to green the school and engaging the whole school community in making a difference.
Pupils expressed their views through speeches, songs and role plays agreeing to prioritize earth protection and exhorting everybody to save flora and fauna.
Watering the Plants
Learning how to care plants is an important life skill that gives children years of happiness as they garden and raise plants. The students of Class Nursery learnt how to water plants in a proper way. The students were made aware that plants are living things and they need soil, air and water to grow. The activity was conducted to develop love and care for nature among the students.
Learning how to care plants is an important life skill that gives children years of happiness as they garden and raise plants. The students of Class Nursery learnt how to water plants in a proper way. The students were made aware that plants are living things and they need soil, air and water to grow. The activity was conducted to develop love and care for nature among the students.
Baisakhi celebration at school
During our special assemblies, we attempt to highlight the important festivals and national holidays observed around our country. So, with, Baisakhi and Ambedkar Jayanti around the corner, our students of Stallions House took it upon themselves to mark these occasions with a special show.
Within minutes of arriving at school,the students excitedly assmbled in the courtyard for the purpose.
The assembly started with a short talk on the illustrious son of India,Dr. BR Ambedkar. Next the students presented their views on Baisakhi, the popular festival of Punjab.There was a spectacular dance performance by the students of Grade II and a melodious song also sung by the students .The assembly concluded with a resplendent and energetic giddha that made for a truly spirited stage!
Getting schooled in the Garden
School gardens teach students how to grow & harvest their own food along with enculeating values like empathy and team work.
In order to provide a hands on learning opportunity to our students, teachers of Grades II &III advocated as well as helped the students in designing their own school garden on Wednesday,11th April, 2018.
Visit to wheat field
Field trips increase the interest of students in learning and ignites the spark to learn. The Pre Primary wing of DPS Khanna arranged a field visit for their students to the wheat field on Monday 9th April, 2018. The idea of this field trip was to connect the students with Baisakhi- ‘The Harvesting Festival of Punjab.’ It was a living, thriving, green and enriching experience for our kids.
Celebrating the richness of Punjab- Baisakhi Mela opens with a bang at DPS Khanna
Celebrating the richness of Punjab- Baisakhi Mela opens with a bang at DPS Khanna
From the delectable cuisine of Punjab to its beautiful village artifacts and foot tapping music- the Baisakhi Mela at DPS Khanna threw open the multiple facets of Punjab for the people of Khanna today.
DPS Khanna celebrated Baisakhi Mela with zest for the mothers and kids of classes Pre- Nursery to III. Mothers came dressed in Punjabi traditional attire to join the festivity. The aim behind the celebrations was to appraise the students of their rich culture and heritage.
Various food stalls were displayed. The entire school reverberated with enthusiasm during the celebrations.
Different competitions were organized for the mothers and their wards and they regaled the audience with their performance. The school got an overwhelming response from the parents as it came out successful in showcasing different facets of Punjabi culture.
Mr.DS Bains, Chairperson DPS Khanna congratulated the staff and the parents mentioning that ,’Punjabi culture has a rich tradition and such festivities are the vehicles that give us an opportunity to present the beautiful form of Punjab.’