In a noble initiative to save our environment the Chairperson Mr. D.S. Bains, the Principal, Mr. S. Mukherjee and the Head Mistress Ms. Neha Rattan along with the Members of the Junior Council planted saplings in the School. The School initiated a programme named ‘Plant Trees and Save Environment’ to protect the environment for the coming generations. As many as 250 saplings will be planted in the school under this programme. Mr. Surinder Sharma from the Forest Department was the Chief Guest on the occasion. He acquainted the students with the environmental issues and told them about its impact on the earth and its inhabitants. He also guided them about the proper maintenance of the planted saplings to help them grow into beautiful and robust trees.
The Chairperson, Mr. D. S. Bains motivated the students to grow more and more trees. He further encouraged them to adopt the planted trees and take care of them throughout their life.